Criticisms Of The Creed & Methodology of Sayyid Qutb

Ahlul hadeeth - The Way Of The Salaf

 Adapted from: al-Irhaab by Shaykh Zayid al-Madkhalee [May Allah have mercy upon him) (1435H)

Adaption: Taalib Alexander

1. Falsely accusing Mu’awiyyah and ‘Amru Ibn al-‘Aas (May Allaah be pleased with them both) with ‘lying’, ‘religious hypocrisy’, ‘cheating’ and ‘deception’.

2. Claiming – falsely – that the caliphate of ‘Uthmaan bin ‘Affaan (May Allaah be pleased with him) was a discontinuity or a gap between the caliphate of ‘Umar Ibn al-Khattaab and ‘Alee bin Abi Taalib (May Allaah be pleased with them both);

3. Allegorical interpretation of Allaah’s attributes, such as His Throne;

4. His declaration that there does not exist, in his time, a Muslim society on the face of the planet – a blanket declaration of apostasy of the Muslim world;

5. His declaration that the masaajid of the Muslims – in the Muslim lands – are ‘temples of Ignorance’;

6. His distortion of the declaration of faith to…

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